Your Birthday is Important
Your Birthday is Important
The cosmic codes that you need to discover yourself are hidden in the day of your birth. Now is the time to decipher these codes.
One of the popular misconceptions in astrology is that in the 22nd day of every month the sun enters a new sign. There are 12 signs in the zodiac and every sign of the zodiac has 30 degrees and in this way 360 degrees of the circle are completed. If you are born in the last days of a sign at the border of the last degrees: “CUSP,” for example if you are born on May 21, you may consider your sun sign to be Taurus, whereas in fact it may be Gemini. You may have all the characteristics of Mercury. The passage of the sun to another sign changes according to the year. In some years the sun sign may change on the 19th, in other years it may change on the 20th or the 21st. If you are born in the final days of a sign you should definitely consult a professional astrologer and through his assistance you can find the real sun sign in which you were born through the astrological tables he will show you. Astrology is like a deep sea whose borders fade into mystery. So how can you benefit personally from astrology in your daily life? For instance suppose you are an Aries, but up to none of the interpretations you read seemed to match what you know and accept about yourself. You are right. Since the population of the world is nearly 7 billion if we divide this by 12 and multiply it by 5 we get the figure of closely 3 billion people who share the same sun sign. But despite the fact that they all have the same sun sign they have different personalities and different lives. Whereas one Aries person may be at the peak of his life, another Aries person may be at his all time low. This is because it is necessary to calculate the degree of the sign on the time and day of your birth. The sun moves one degree every day. Though every sign shows variations according to the years, generally the passage of a sign takes about 30 days. Are you born in the first ten days of you sign, in the second ten day period or the third? Here is the key that will give you all the secondary aspects of your sign.
First Second Third
SIGN Glyph 0-9 10-19 20-29
1 ARIES Aries Leo Sagittarius
2 TAURUS Taurus Virgo Capricorn
3 GEMINI Gemini Libra Aquarius
4 CANCER Cancer Scorpio Pisces
5 LEO Leo Sagittarius Aries
6 VIRGO Virgo Capricorn Taurus
7 LIBRA Libra Aquarius Gemini
8 SCORPIO Scorpio Pisces Cancer
9 SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius Aries Leo
10 CAPRICORN Capricorn Taurus Virgo
11 AQUARIUS Aquarius Gemini Libra
12 PISCES Pisces Cancer Scorpio
The Dynamic, Excitable, Impatient Born Leaders, the Children of ARIES (March 21 to April 20)
If you are born in the first 10 days (decanate) of Aries, you have the courage, leadership and warrior spirit your sign’s ruling planet Mars. The sense of domination and courage that reflects on you from your educational life to your work and relationships in your makeup is based on your effort to gain recognition and appreciation.
If you are born in the second 10 days of Aries, your attributes of Aries are joined with the pride and strength of Leo. You have a willful and stubborn nature. You have and adventurist sprit with a love to lead, and to be the center of interest, and to be esteemed.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Aries, you share the attributes of Sagittarius. You are an intellectual and social person that is open to new ideas. Your ego is under control. Reading and research comes naturally to you.
Singular TAURUS People, who Live by the Love of Venus (April 21 to May 20)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Taurus, you are dominated by the sign’s ruling planet Venus. You are a down to earth person that knows what you want in life. You have a strong character with self-control and confidence. Your determination to live life as you believe, your loving nature and contribution to all that is beautiful in the word is a source of admiration to others.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Taurus, you share the attributes of Virgo. On the one hand, Venus strengthens your creative and artistic side, and on the other Mercury provides success in your work through your brilliant intelligence and expression.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Taurus, you share the commanding and stubborn characteristics of Capricorn. The disciplined influence of Saturn provides for making patient and diligent decisions in every aspect of your life and to overcome difficulties with unyielding determination.
GEMINI: Conveyor of the Inexhaustible Energy of Mercury (May 21 to June 20)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Gemini, you are gifted with the communication skills and brilliant intelligence of Mercury. You have something to say and ideas on nearly every topic. You are a likeable and admired person with your high energy and active nature.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Gemini,, your sign blends with Libra. Venus gives you interest with artistic subjects. You are prone to intellectual research and are very persuasive. You enjoy partaking in all novelties and to development your individuality with concession.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Gemini,, the attributes of your sign will combine with Aquarius to give a person who never says more than is necessary. The influence of the revolutionary Uranus makes you a determined humanist person, inclined to researcher and innovation. You are persistent and obstinate in your ideas.
CANCER’S Intuitive Faithful Children, Who Live with the Emotions of the Moon, and Love Love for Love’s Sake (June 21 to July 22)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Cancer, then you are under the influence of the ruling planet of the sign, the Moon. Your emotional passages are intense. If used correctly you strong intuition can act as a guide for you in life.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Cancer, your sign combines with Scorpio. While the moon will provide for you living with your emotions, Mars will give you courage and strength. You are a passionate and outgoing person. You seek passionate and emotion loaded relationships in your love life.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Cancer, the attributes of your sign will combine with those of Pisces. Your artistic side and imagination is considerably developed. You can be easily taken advantage of because of your sense of mercy.
Children of the Sun, LEOS, Born Leaders and Artists (July 23 to August 23)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Leo, then you are under the influence of the sun, which rules the sign. The qualities of Leo’s attract attention in every circumstance with its strong character possessing the qualities of domination and leadership. You have a love of spectacle, and can have success in all the arts because of its fine taste.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Leo, the qualities of your sign is fortified and combined with that of Sagittarius. Your original ideas are turned into success with the energy off Sagittarius. The light of the sun is crowned with the fertility of Jupiter. You love to discover things and are curious about different cultures. This sense of curiosity is a motivating factor on the course of your life.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Leo, your sign is fortified and combined with the qualities of attraction and strength of Aries. You have unyielding reserves of strength to combat the difficulties of life. You live life to the full with your vast supply of energy, steadfast determination and love of pleasure. You think big and are unafraid to take responsibilities.
VIRGOS: Mercury’s True to Their Word People (August 24 to September 23)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Virgo, then you are fully a Virgo. Mercury is dominant to make you analytic, scrupulous, graceful and intelligent. The helpful Virgos are born physicians ready to assist others.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Virgo, the qualities of Virgo combine with energy of Capricorn. The discipline of Saturn gives success along with the extraordinary mathematical intelligence and communicative skills of Virgo. The patience and stubbornness of Saturn makes you an indomitable match for anyone.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Virgo, your sign is blended with the energies of Venus. The artistic talents of Taurus and the care for detail of Virgo make a successful blend that may result in the production of original artistic works that will be a soruce of inspiration to the art world.
LIBRA’S Lovely People who Reflect Art on Venus’ Love Haunted Stage of Life (September 24 to October 23)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Libra, then you have everything that Venus has to generously offer. By nature you appreciate everything of beauty and art and contribute to beauty in the world. Venus people try to see the good and beauty in even the worst of occasions.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Libra, the qualities of Libra combine with the creative renovating nature of Uranus under Aquarius. With you unique approach, you are respected in society as a progressive thinker who keeps pace with the latest developments in science.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Libra, your Venus blended with the energies of Mercury takes up a unique aspect. You may be a successful orator with your multifaceted ability to transform your feelings and thoughts full of concern for all things into words.
SCORPIOS, who Speak with their Eyes, Embodying the Courage of Mars and the Mystery of Pluto (October 24 to November 22)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Scorpio, then having the energies of your ruling planets, Pluto and Mars, you are a very passionate, intelligent and courageous person. Being an organized, consistent, warrior spirited, mathematically minded Scorpio, with your do or die attitude, you are bound to succeed in life
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Scorpio, the qualities of Scorpio are combined with sentimental qualities of Pisces. You have a strong imagination with a tendency to creative artistic subjects. Yourare compassionate and have an interest in the mysterious and the unknown.
If you are born on the last ten day period of Scorpio, the third decanate, your Scorpio characteristics blend with the intuitive ones of Cancer. You become more sensitive and emotional through the effects of the moon. Your intuition is so powerful that you can reed what’s in the mind of others. The guide in your soul is prepared to offer you guidance throughout your life.
Jupiter’s Helpful, Charitable, Wise and Loving SAGITTARIANS (November 23 to December 21)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Sagittarius, then you are a Sagittarian, ruled by Jupiter. You love life, are helpful and accept others the way they are, you are lucky and can maintain your peace of mind regardless of the circumstances.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Sagittarius, the qualities of the sign combine with those of Aries. You are a brave person who is prepared to fight hard for the rights of the downtrodden with the energy of Mars.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Sagittarius, then the qualities of Sagittarius combine with those of Leo. With the added energy of the sun, you become a wise Sagittarian always prepared to learn and renew yourself. You stand upright and challenge the odds with your ideals and achieve success.
The Serious and Patient CAPRICORNS, Ruled by Saturn the Teacher of the Stars (December 22 to January 20)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Capricorn, then you are a typical Capricorn under the influence of Saturn. You talk little, smile little, having difficulty expressing your feelings fearing that it may be interpreted as a sign of weakness. You are slow but careful. Under your serious and cold appearance you hold an innocent almost childish heart. You are a patient person with great management ability.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Capricorn, the qualities of the sign combine with those of Taurus and the influence of Venus. You are a Capricorn with artistic and literary inclinations. You are luck in financial matters and are gifted with speech. You can express your loving feelings best in writing and love merriment and entertainment.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Capricorn, then the qualities of Capricorn combine with those of Virgo. Unless it become obsessive, Mercury’s intelligence and care for detail will provide success and stability in life. While attaining to and maintiang a successful career through discipline, Capricorns will spend extraordinary effort to overcome the problems that may arise from an over-disciplined and suppressive private life.
Disciplined AQUARIANS, Ruled by the Powerful Energies of Uranus Generating Originality and Saturn which Prepares and Operates Plans that Reflect to the Outer World its Dynamics for all of Mankind Out of its Love (January 21 to February 18)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Aquarius, then the influence of Uranus is dominant. You are a creative Aquarian that is sensitive to the plight of humanity, seeking solutions to adverse situations everywhere in the world, tirelessly striving to do something that would help.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Aquarius, the qualities of the sign combine with the energetic nature of Gemini. You are an enjoyable and trustworthy Aquarian going through constant change through your mathematical intelligence and gift fo practical solutions.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Aquarius, then the qualities of Aquarius combine with those of Libra and Venus. You are a Aquarian with an aptitude towards art. You are a successful Aquarian that seeks to be the center of interest through your charisma.
Loving Multifaceted PISCES Converting the Visions of Neptune to Reality, Sensitive, Fearing to Hurt and Be Hurt (February 19 to March 20)
If you are born in the first 10 days period, the first decanate of Pisces, then the reflection of Neptune with your imagination, your creativity that surpasses the limits of your imagination is a gift that the universe has bestowed you with. You are very successful in psychology, the visual arts . You are an innovative sensitive person who seeks to love and to be loved in return.
If you are born in the second ten day period, the second decanate of Pisces, the qualities of the sign combine with those of Cancer. You collapse and pull yourself together quickly. You easily come under the influence of others. Family values are dear to you. You are a helpful and charitable person.
If you are born on the last ten day period, the third decanate of Pisces, then the qualities of Pisces combine with those of Scorpio. You are curious a Pisces that is very clear on your feelings, with your extraordinary intuition you hold love above everything, you are very open your feelings and express them freely.
Basic Astrology
The Sky Never Lies
Dr.Astrologer Senay DEVİ
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